The tone is arrogant, because he is the double male of Xue Yutian.

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Iron and wood didn’t answer, but at his side, silver armour and male generation mouth.
"Do you think you can single-handedly resist our hundreds of fighters attack? You are too conceited. "
Male Xue Yu smiled and put a sword bsp around his waist; "If I can resist a stick of incense, the army will arrive at you. Won’t there be a few people here in China? Besides, don’t you think it’s a problem that I want to kill you all with public repair?"
Xue Yu’s mouth cracked with dragon sweat. Hu Lie was a man wearing silver armor beside iron and wood. He was about to refute when iron and wood raised their hands to signal him to retreat, while he rode to the crack and turned over to hold the spear in his hand.
"Three strokes … If the king hurts you in three strokes, the king will promise to withdraw."
Say iron and wood will hand spear held high a pressure immediately will Fiona Fang ten zhangs department shrouded in the earth sand was also the pressure b and spread to ten zhangs away and in the center of pressure Xue Yu just like didn’t feel it.
"Three strokes, this business is done with iron and wood. Although you have practiced Mahayana magic, do you think it can hurt the public?"
Xue Yu’s voice fell, but the wooden figure had disappeared. Instead, it was a monster with a heavy spear shadow, which swallowed itself up. The monster roared with horror, and the earth where it passed burst, flying sand and stones seemed to be in the sky, and there was this huge monster roaring.
"Please take the king’s first move to kill Pojun."
In the face of such an amazing move, Xue Yu shook the sword in his hand like a breeze, like running water, but a little murderous shock wave immediately filled the atmosphere, and with the murderous look disappearing, the shock wave suddenly changed like thunder, like a landslide, like a tsunami, and suddenly it was the sword in Xue Yu’s hand that turned into a heavy sound. 1 Like a raging river, it swallowed the beast.
"Wang is still too conceited. It’s really remarkable to fix firm but gentle in one hundred …"
The forefinger gently rubbed the iron and wood from the bore where he was scratched by firm but gentle, giving an absolutely sunny smile.
Allow the command wrist to spear.
"The second recruit massacre"
The heavy spear shadow is like the amazing roar and murderous look of its leading hordes. The earth steeds scream and soldiers scream and the people in the city cry out in grief, while Xue Yu is still like a towering mountain without moving around the hordes. When the spear is close to the nose, the sword is like a shower, and every spear contact is crisp and clear. Yin, in less than a moment, the two spears and swords have heard many tricks like rain hitting Bajiao.
As soon as the spear shadow suddenly closes, it’s like an isolated city surrounded by hordes before moving the final offensive. Xue Yu is the iron of the isolated city, but this move doesn’t seek to be killed. If it hurts Xue Yu, or B: If it touches hard, it’s really unexpected.
Withdraw the sword and turn around. Play the sword with your fingers and make a dragon.
Xue Yu’s figure disappeared in the shadow of heavy spears in iron and wood, which made all the spectators stare blankly. Just when iron and wood were going to recruit, a dragon rose from the shadow of heavy spears, and thousands of troops were powerful, but it was difficult for a dragon to swim around the world for nine days.
"The second recruit iron and wood hope you can be a bit interesting …"
Still that carefree expression, Xue Yudan holding a sword and stroking the body with his left hand, with a touch of blue flashing, accompanied by bursts of Qing Yin back to D, one person and one sword fluttering in the yellow sand, can’t say how chic and elegant it is like a fairy falling from the dust.
Iron and wood look is very ugly, although he knows that Gongqiang is strong, but how can it be strong to such an incredible degree?
I have tried my best to shoot, but even his skirts can’t be touched, and he has been playing in the palm of his hand. Is the so-called level master so abnormal?
Lift the spear slowly, and the real power will continue to condense. Suddenly, the sky is overcast and the gas around it becomes dead and dignified. Black gas spirals out of the spear and condenses at the spear tip.
Iron and wood are still full of flavor, and the surface has become evil. In the atmosphere, there is an inexplicable bloody smell, and the spear-wielding hand has appeared. It is absolutely impossible to appear in the human body. Scales are like fish scales, and 1uo1ù is covered by the outside hand, and its body is surrounded by several black gases.
The whole person is like a shura coming out of hell.
Although there are amazing changes in the opponent’s eyes, there is still no doubt or fear in Xue Yu’s eyes. On the contrary, it is a feeling like waiting for a good show to come on stage. Yan is like a cold bell ringing in the stone stream, constantly echoing and washing murderous look in the air.
"The third measure … broken way …"
The air around suddenly breathed and then turned into darkness. The sudden darkness made the horses scream uneasily. Because of animal nature, they seemed to feel something. Xue Yu still faced the sudden darkness with a relaxed face, or did he gently flick his sword in his hand? Yin formed a famous song.
A spear suddenly appeared in the dark, rather than appearing in the dark, it poked out the darkness and came to Xue Yu quickly and slowly with a strange sound of tearing cloth.
At the same time, there is a surge of energy like a heavy dark sunseeker, one by one, pouring into the dark snow rain.
Early fall and clear drift, intentional water regime
In the darkness, a sad and deep tone, YIN, came out of this poem, and in the darkness, it started with a blue light, just like a clear stream flowing through pieces and falling away. The blue light will not only fall away, but also roll in. The black 1 will be given to the traction sink, and after the blue light flashes, it will be shrouded in darkness. Everyone will see a scene that they will never forget in this life.
A sword with blue light scattered on it attracts the magic gas scattered by the iron and wood Mahayana magic road, while the owner of the sword is suspended in the middle of the road, and the black airflow is drawn by the blue light from its sword.
At the tip of the sword, it merged into a huge black ball of light, while the iron and wood stood with their hands in the spear and watched their dark enchantment being so lightly broken by Xue Yu.
With a wave of his sword, the black ball was smashed like a long black dragon and disappeared through the sea of clouds for nine days. The public also smiled and pointed to iron and wood.
Man is in the sword, and I am the only one in my hand every day.
"Iron and wood will pay you back."
Iron and wood looked at Xue Yu’s sword with horror, and the goal was to return to himself with horror.
Filar silk flows down from the sky like a snake and swims on the earth. Poor fighters and horses have been eaten but can’t move. They have just been locked by the dark boundary and their bodies can’t adapt.
The spear has just started, and it has already passed through like a flash. It’s not iron and wood that can’t stop it. Everything flows too fast, just like at the same time. It’s a complete reaction. Looking at Xue Yu’s still chic and elegant figure curled up behind the iron and wood, but now it’s a terrible scar in front of the iron and wood. The wound is like being scratched by a knife and then ignited by fire.
The spear that accompanied him for many years was also broken into two bsp; "Your majesty …"
The armies were in an uproar, and Hu Lie was also nervous about offering the real power. Suddenly, there was a black air flow around his body, but iron and wood waved their hands and gestured not to make a move. First, he took a deep breath and waved his riding horse to turn over, and then slowly said, "I lost … I can’t even hurt you at all … but can you tell the king what is the name of this move?"
Xue Yu turned and walked towards the army pouring out from the day and waved his hand smartly. "In a flash, you have lost your beauty; This trick was created by me to commemorate a confidante-a moment of youth … "
"In a flash, King Fanghua will remember … Magic Gate G children, let’s go … we are the most faithful nation. Will we break the contract?"
"No …"
With the army shouting together, the magic door G fighters turned into rolling smoke and disappeared into China …
"Although the battle of Iron and Wood was defeated, it didn’t affect him in the slightest, because he was a man who could walk away in the sword for nearly a hundred years without any casualties."
Li Yue’s face is full of pride, and it seems that he is proud of having such a master, and he is also proud of being such an indomitable spirit.
"The male Xue Yu learned that the magic door G took advantage of the day to guard against injuries and a manpower to resist hordes outside the city, and then the male was promoted by the heavenly sword in China, and the first person was sealed by the sky …"
Xu Shao also felt warm-blooded when he heard that Li Yue told Yu Gong Xue Yu’s sword that hosts had defeated foreign armies.
Kyushu has six big families and different sects. Tianzhou is more like crossing the ancient dynasty before the earth, where there are Wulin and J soldiers from two countries, and that is the world of men.
Xu Shao sighed a little sorry that he was not born in Tianzhou, but in Kyushu, where such a family and sect squeezed each other and destroyed the world.
If what kind of atmosphere is more suitable for fighters exhibition, it must be that Wulin is the earth, which has proved his success for thousands of years.
Now think about it. If you want the overall strength of Kyushu Big 6 to be heavy and have a long way to go, just like the shepherd boy’s father, you want to change your blood and transform Kyushu Big 6.
Dynasty mode can minimize the fighting in Tianzhou, which can make Tianzhou have better talents and the martial arts atmosphere is more suitable for fighters’ exhibition, discussion and elimination of life and death
Moreover, the most powerful place in Wulin is that it can give birth to martial arts, instead of relying on their own families and sects like Kyushu Big Six, which have inherited ancient martial arts for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years. On the one hand, these ancient martial arts are not suitable for Kyushu Big Six now, on the other hand, they also limit the opportunities for Kyushu Big Six to innovate.
Imagine that one side has made several achievements in constant tempering, and on the other hand, it is still relying on the incomplete achievements hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is obvious that the two sides will win or lose when they meet.
Li month saw Xu Shao’s face constantly changing, so he was a little nervous. Compared with his master Li Yuexian, he seemed to care more about the feelings of this’ younger brother and elder’ in front of him.
Perhaps it was Xu Shao who appeared in the most critical moment and saved Li Yue.
Perhaps it is because Xu Shao granted Li Yue magical Wushu in the most incredible way, which made her an enemy.
Maybe it’s because in the mouth of the flying sword fix true person, I know that Xu Shaoyou is nineteen years old and those Li Yuetong are in the same boat, but it’s going to be more and more difficult.
At this time, when Li Yue faced Xu Shao, his mood was very complicated. He wanted to get close to Xu Shao and liked being with him, but he felt a little inferior when he was with him.