For a long time Xia Qi put the jade slips in his hand.

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"Is this the treasure that Tiandaozong was peeped at by everyone?"
Xia Qi’s face is still full of shock, and it’s too shocking to remember anything in the jade slips, but it’s more crazy than the beautiful achievement!
In the jade slips, it is said that if someone rises from the mortal world and can take this world with him, heaven and earth will move and grace will fall, which is a kind of HarmonyOS spirit.
This HarmonyOS Qi is a kind of aura produced at the beginning of heaven and earth, and everything is born here. If you can get this HarmonyOS Qi, you will make great achievements, even the immortals will be jealous!
Taking the whole world to the top can be a godsend of HarmonyOS!
Xia Qi was shocked and inexplicable in my heart.
Everything in the world originates from HarmonyOS, which is undoubtedly precious and powerful in HarmonyOS.
This jade slip was written by the patriarch of Tiandao Sect, while several low-order treasures outside were the resources left by Tiandao to form a unified force to cultivate immortals.
Heaven’s last words in jade slips make people unify the cultivation of immortals. With the cultivation of immortals, you can get HarmonyOS spirit.
However, there is no word in it for the collapse of Tiandao Sect, which unified the cultivation of immortals thousands of years ago
Xia qi doubts in my heart.
This heavenly body, the heavenly patriarch, left such huge resources and this method to get HarmonyOS’s spirit, but it didn’t help Xia Qi to understand the collapse of heavenly patriarch or revenge for heavenly patriarch.
Moreover, the real treasure of Tiandao Sect in memory is not here, so perhaps it is not the way to get HarmonyOS’s spirit to let many monks and the world stronger than the celestial world peek at the treasure.
"No matter what I am doing, the most important thing is to rescue the master. This HarmonyOS gas is still too far away for me." Xia Qi put the jade slips away and put HarmonyOS gas in his heart for the time being.
Nowadays, the huge resources outside are plundered by the sword Sect of Sanxiao. Even if Xia Qi wants to form a unified force to cultivate immortality, it is impossible for the world to soar.
Get up and Xia Qi needs to find out the rest of the hall urgently.
But in this hall, except for three wooden boxes and a jade slip, it is other.
At the moment, Xia Qi, who has never left outside for three days, is not going to go out and sit cross-legged now, and Xia Qi will swallow healing pills again to recover from his injury.
Jin Qiao’s soul is still imprisoned in mystery. If Xia Qi wants to get the five elements of art, he must display the spirit-searching, the spirit-searching, and the law-searching, which is weird and unpredictable. It is Xia Qi who can’t be careless about returning to the peak state before he dares to display it.
A day later, Xia Qi’s soul entered the mystery.
Mystery inside the fragrance bursts several Lingcao swaying slightly, if people see the foot crazy.
Xia Qi has long been accustomed to all this and set his eyes on Jin Qiao, who has been imprisoned for a long time. Jin Qiao’s soul is already very weak through the misty fog and looks a bit demented.
This situation is also what Xia Qi wants to see most.
The soul is the most mysterious thing, mysterious, and more confident about a weak person than the soul’s ability to perform the soul-searching solution.
This misty fog is very strange. Xia Qi’s body seems to be a little strange because of this fog, and his soul is stronger. However, Xia Qi has no way to control these fogs freely. It seems that these fogs are spiritual.
It seems that I know my mind. Xia Qi’s thoughts move, and the misty fog is automatically scattered. Jin Qiao’s soul is also exposed as thin as smoke, as if it would dissipate at any time.
The soul of a monk in his infancy is very strong. If Xia Qi meets the soul of Jin Qiao in his heyday, I’m afraid a face-to-face Xia Qi soul will be swallowed up.
But at the moment, Jin Qiao’s soul is weak, not as good as a monk in the construction period
Take a deep breath. Xia Qiyun started the soul-searching solution, and there was a dark fog looming in the palm of his hand, as if to devour Jin Qiao’s soul.
"Search for the soul, the law!"
Drink low for one summer, and a layer of looming black fog will cover you. The right hand suddenly slaps the misty black fog that falls directly on the top of Jin Qiao’s soul and suddenly pours into Jin Qiao’s soul!
Jin Qiao’s soul was wrapped, and the black fog surged like a sea of clouds, which was very strange. It was only for a moment that the black fog changed again and surged down Xia Qi’s arm and entered Xia Qi’s mind!
Xia Qi eyes closed slightly, and the black fog flooded into my mind without any response.
But at the moment, Xia Qi’s mind is full of information. As this black fog enters Xia Qi’s mind, it makes Xia Qi very clear like an inscription!
Jin Qiao’s memory is like the tide pouring into my mind. Xia Qi feels that his brain seems to be exploded by this huge amount of information. Generally, his mouth screams!
Xia Qi’s face is twisted.
Too much information in my mind makes people almost crazy! At this moment, Xia Qi felt as if he were going to split up and conjure up another Jin Qiao.
"Concentrate on Dan!"
Fortunately, when practicing the soul-searching solution, I already knew that such a situation might occur. Xia Qi had prepared a bright green Dan medicine that was thrown into Xia Qi’s mouth and immediately turned into a cool liquid that was absorbed by the soul!
This is the concentration of Dan Ke Ning’s mind.
Dan medicine was absorbed, and Xia Qi’s face slowly recovered as usual. He surged in like a spectator, and his memory could no longer affect Xia Qi’s mind.