"Take him out …" The woman smiled and her face was covered with a layer of brilliance, which was maternal brilliance, and the man also had a face that was absolutely strong.

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"What ….." Liao Jinghua one leng delivered himself to make do, although he has never been a steady woman, but he has also seen those beasts give birth to small beasts in this Tianzhu Peak. I think people and beasts give birth to children, but this kind of disembowelling thing has never been done by himself.
"I … come by myself" said the woman. I don’t know which head waved the hand again in the belly and drew a burst of blood. Liao Jinghua also closed his eyes. Although he also hunted and ate meat, he had never done such a caesarean section.
"Please send him back." The woman spoke again and Liao Jinghua also opened her eyes. Then she was stunned. It was not a two-headed child but an egg stained with blood but smoother than an egg. Liao Jinghua consciously reached out and took the egg. Its tentacles were warm and soft like a soft-shelled chicken.
"Why don’t you let me send it?" Da Huo Ji leaned in and looked at the double-headed man who was cut to the belly and grinned and said
"Because you are a fix true person," the woman said and looked at Liao Jinghua again and laughed.
"Don’t worry, I will send your child back. I will never let him get a little hurt if I have a breath. I will also send your ashes back to let you return to your roots." Liao Jinghua nodded mercilessly and said that the pair of people chose the letter. He made Liao Jinghua very moved.
"Thank you … thank you …" The woman said and closed her eyes. The man smiled at Liao Jinghua and slowly closed his eyes.
"Alas," Liao Jinghua held this two-foot-sized egg with a long sigh and looked down at his belly. The double-headed man was trapped by a dragon lock, and he stretched out to wrap it around the double-headed man. The double-headed man was burned into a pile of white ashes, and even the weapons they held in their hands were burned into white ashes like their bodies. Liao Jinghua held the egg in one hand and took out a porcelain jar in the other to put the ashes in and then waved them away.
"How did he recognize me as a true fixer? Aren’t you? I didn’t recognize you as a true fixer when I first saw you," Da Huoji murmured.
"The fact that these aliens can live here naturally has their own unique things that we can’t learn," Liao Jinghua said with a smile.
"Xiao Ruan Xiao Ruan" cried Liao Jinghua. Xiao Ruan didn’t know when he was behind him, but he saw Xiao Ruan lying not far away, wondering what he was doing.
"Xiao Ruan, what are you doing?" Liao Jinghua ran past and asked
"Pie" said Xiao Ruan, turning around and handing Liao Jinghua a lot of ground meat. What kind of meat is white and not five-color venison?
"Angle? Where’s the skin? Where are the bones? " Da Huo Ji blunt come over and call way
"Eat the skin, some tough bones, some teeth can’t bite, but I swallowed it. Well, it’s dirty and tender." Xiao Ruan said, sticking out her tongue and licking her whole face for a long time. "Xiao Ruan, don’t eat raw food again. I’ll cook it for you." Liao Jinghua stretched out his hand and wiped a few strands of blood on the back of Xiao Ruan’s nose.
"Eat? God, don’t eat everything. I believe it, but how can you eat this corner? This five-color deer is not as hard as the previous one. How can you swallow it? " Da Huo Ji shouted with his mouth wide open
"After death, the horn is not eaten as hard as it used to be," Xiao Ruan said
"Forget it, just eat it." Liao Jinghua scratched his head and some couldn’t figure out what little soft can eat the five-color antlers, but eating it also doesn’t look like letting him go.
"This is delicious," said Xiao Ruan, holding Liao Jinghua in her arms and taking the egg in the past, she will bite it with her mouth open.
"No," Liao Jinghua shouted, reaching out and taking the egg back. "Xiao Ruan can’t eat everything." Liao Jinghua cried after protecting the egg.
"Oh," Xiao Ruan’s eyes flashed for a few times and then nodded. Xiao Ruan was obedient like an ignorant child, which made Liao Jinghua very satisfied. She always taught Xiao Ruan like educating her own children.
"Brother Da, let’s have a rest here and then look for the old fire." Liao Jinghua said.
"Well, this five-color deer has been riding for several days, but it’s also too tired to hurt our waist." Da Yanji laughed.
"Meat pie" Xiao Ruan said two words.
"Good just to do some meat pies with" Liao Jinghua looked at that a lot of white meat stuffing some not white small soft that soft abnormal body is how to get these meat into meat stuffing?
Taking out the tree eggs, taking the liquid, taking the noodles and the stuffing pancakes, the pile of meat stuffing made Liao Jinghua make a lot of snow-white patties to smell attractive.
After two days’ rest, Da Huoji led the way to look for the double-headed egg in Lao Huolu. Liao Jinghua could collect the dead, but this living thing could not be collected. Liao Jinghua dared not give this egg to Xiao Ruan for fear that it would be eaten. He had his own arms, but this round egg looked very fragile, which made Liao Jinghua have a headache for a long time. Finally, Xiao Ruan had to pocket it and carry it behind him. Liao Jinghua always had to pull Xiao Ruan to tell him how this egg came. In the end, this egg is also one.
"Am I a human being?" Small soft very seriously asked.
"This ….." Liao Jinghua looked at Xiao Ruan Xiao Ruan’s deformability, but he still regarded him as a person because he would say, "Of course Xiao Ruan is a person. You can talk and do things." Liao Jinghua said with a smile.
"Oh," Xiao Ruan nodded and twisted into Liao Jinghua. "So am I like a person now?" Xiao Ruan said
"Xiao Ruan, don’t be like us. I look a little awkward." Liao Jinghua Nai shook his head and said.
"Then I’ll go back," Xiao Ruan said, writhing again and turning back to the original kind of head tip hanging down to the ground.
"He …" Da Huoji was the first time to see Xiao Ruan can become all kinds of humanoid things, so he was speechless.
"I saved it in a seal of the water fish family and stayed in ancient times," Liao Jinghua said with a smile.
"It is no wonder that ancient species are said to have many magical species living here in ancient times. Compared with those scattered fairy streams, it is said that there were even dragons and phoenixes here in those days," said Da Huoji.
"Well, I believe this." Liao Jinghua ordered a hard head to signal that he absolutely believed that Da Huoji Liao Jinghua had seen a living dragon, but it was much more real than Da Huoji heard about it.