Suddenly Kirin said, "White Leaf, someone is coming."

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Baiye didn’t feel it and asked, "Who?"
"Well, a repairman who is similar to the girl next to him is approaching from the east very quickly!"
Moments later, the Crystal Cliff Fairy suddenly raised her head to look at the East with anger in her eyebrows.
Baiye also felt it, but the breath stopped and it didn’t seem to mean to move on.
"Who’s that?" White leaves asked.
"Nine Temple people!"
"Nine temple? The strongest force in the East is that they killed your husband? " White leaves asked.
Crystal cliff fairy shook her dust and said, "Even if it’s not them, I can’t get rid of them!"
Crystal Cliff Fairy flew to the East and said, "Are you a real person?"? Since you are here, don’t be so secretive! "
There was a flash of light and a little old man appeared. He was not much different from the old man in the street, even his eyes were turbid.
Thousands of real people looked at Jing Cliff Fairy for a long time before saying, "Who am I? It turned out to be you for thousands of years. Why are you still on earth?"
"It’s none of your business where I am. I asked you why you came here?"
A thousand degrees looked at the face with a frown and said, "What’s wrong with Crystal Cliff Face?"
"You answer me first!"
The real person in Qiandu looked at the Crystal Cliff and said, "I received a letter from the Temple saying that there is a demon tomb here. Three sects in the East are digging here, but they are blocked by demons and ordered to come and help!"
"Hum!" Crystal Cliff Fairy snorted, "A bunch of bastards, this is my husband’s grave. Why do you people come here?"
At this time, Huanglian shouted to the sky, "Help us quickly, seniors! We are caught in a magic circle!"
Huanglian thought that the missing brother should call for support.
Looking at a murderous face, Crystal Cliff Fairy once again saw a dark face, saying, "Crystal Cliff misses old friends. I don’t want you to fight. I hope you can let them go. I can naturally report to the temple for your husband’s tomb."
"Ha ha great? Will the temple give up? If you come today, you can’t leave. I want to put you greedy guys into reincarnation! "
Behind the Crystal Cliff, colorful light suddenly shines, and three colorful feathers gradually take shape, floating there like phoenix tails.
Yu Ruyi said to Kirin in the middle, "This girl is the best at her first shot. Do you really want to fight hard?"
Looking at him, Baiye can feel that those colorful lights contain powerful energy, especially those three feathers are magnificent, and I don’t know what magic weapon it is.
Thousand-degree real people fell back several steps by this sudden momentum and said in surprise, "The eagle cut the tail?"
"Die!" Jing Yagen didn’t want to talk to him. She just took the feather and stabbed it straight ahead like a sword. At the front end of the feather, she could see that it was compressed and trembling.
Thousand-degree real people no longer speak, and the light in their hands flashes, and a large blue sword stands in front to block the coming powerful momentum.
The two men collided and Xiaoqing quickened her pace, and the hunters around her also suggested kill array.
The seventieth day to deal with each other
In kill array, suddenly, the aura of rage dissipated and dried up a little bit in the venue. Those practitioners’ aura was constantly leaked and their strength was weak, so they could not make ends meet.
Arguably, the practitioners are all strong in Du Jie, but they haven’t experienced much fighting and have never encountered such a chaotic situation. The most important thing is that they have completely involved themselves in their broken array, which has greatly reduced their strength.
Surrounded by bottled water and short wood, those masters are so advanced in vain that they are involved in the law and Xiaoqing interference is gradually showing signs of fatigue.
"ah!" A Xiaoqing sword cut off a man’s arm, and then swung the sword in an instant. With the imposing manner of hunting array, Huanglian and another master were cut at the same time.
"Master, can I absorb their energy?" Xiaoqing suddenly asked the white leaves.
Baiye is leng for a moment and then nodded.
Xiaoqing’s face was full of excitement, and she opened her mouth to spit out Yandan. Now Yandan has been constantly practicing Dan, and she has gradually adapted to Xiaoqing’s summoning and directing Yandan to hit Huanglian.
Huanglian’s chest was cut with a bloody wound. Unprecedented pain filled his brain. He really wanted to cut this green snake into ten thousand pieces and kill the soul!
It was when he looked up and glared at him that he saw a mass of white fog rushing in, and no matter what he raised his sword, he felt a very cold breath coming from the tip of his sword, which made him instantly frozen.
When there is no response to him, Yandan actually drilled directly into the wound of Coptis chinensis according to Xiaoqing’s command, tearing flesh and blood and drilling in.