Chapter 2 Break through the blockade (2)

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Since Luo Yi was killed by Guo Xingyue, Long Tianxing, the head of Jianxin Sect, was determined to get rid of Guo Xingyue at all costs. At that time, Guo Xingyue was in the emperor’s fairy domain, and the second master of Qing Di fairy domain. Although it was the mid-term repair of the fairy emperor, there was still a significant gap between the six immortals. Although the fairy domains were tense with each other and there were conflicts of size, no fairy domain dared to fight against Guo Xingyue. Therefore, Long Tianxing did not dare to risk violating the emperor and enter the emperor’s fairy domain to kill Guo Xingyue.
Long Tianxing didn’t dare to cross the border to kill Guo Xingyue, but he laid a heavy ambush at the junction of the emperor’s fairy land and abandoned it. He planned to intercept Guo Xingyue when he passed through this deserted desert. The area of this deserted desert is too large, but there are only six or seven people who want to intercept Guo Xingyue in the desert. It is really difficult to reach the sky. Long Tianxing contacted Kun Yuan Zong, but the two factions add up to only thirteen or four fairy masters. There are quite a few pick Jin Xian, but the pick Jin Xian is not Guo Xing.
There is a convention in the six fairy regions, and no fairy force is allowed to step into destroying the fairy region, otherwise it will become the public enemy of other fairy regions. If Guo Xingyue wants to take his life, he must return to the former hand of destroying the fairy region before Guo Xingyue, and the great desert at the junction of the fairy region is the only choice. Because of the shortage of manpower, it is easy to use the net fishing method. Each fairy master level divides an area for all the masters to patrol and try their luck in the desert.
So-called coincidentally, this kind of nai practice really shows the whereabouts of Guo Xingyue. A younger brother accidentally showed fluctuations when he was on patrol. He immediately judged that Guo Xingyue was hiding from the side in addition to immediately sending out information, but he was intuitively hidden by Guo Xingyue’s killer. The sword that is bound to be won actually fell to the place. The master of mark-hearted Sect couldn’t believe his eyes, but he had already released the fairy sword for a short distance and teleported to him.
Guo Xingyue knew that this was not a place to stay, so he had to make a decisive move. There was no room for the gods to move the golden red fairy sword and shoot it at the opponent. While the opponent’s fairy sword was led, he drank heavily and mobilized the body. That skyfire shot was the great avatar-skyfire was cremated into a purple flash in the purple sky and shot at the swordsman who was caught off guard.
It is by no means easy for the master of Mark Sect to practice until the early stage of Xianjun’s cultivation. Seeing that Guo Xingyue was desperate, and his own fairy sword was locked by Guo Xingyue, he knew that he had been hiding. Although he didn’t want Guo Xingyue’s life to compete with each other, he must not escape now. He also drank a golden light from the abdomen and quickly formed a Jin Jian to meet Guo Xingyue’s skyfire. This is exactly the unique skill of Mark Sect-heart fencing.
Guo Xingyue had seen this trick during World War I, and he also figured out his own mind fencing. Naturally, he knew that this trick was much more powerful than that before. Although Luo Yi was the initial repair of the fairy king, the fairy yuan was much deeper, but Guo Xingyue would not be forced by the situation. Unfortunately, Guo Xingyue had no choice but to solve his opponent as soon as possible if he wanted to get out early.
Jin Jian skyfire suddenly bumped into each other, and there was a huge noise. Two people were shocked out of a big bunker in the desert. In the sand and gravel splashing, each of them was shocked upside down. Although the power of skyfire was great, Xianyuan was a little weaker than his opponent. This time, Guo Xingyue did not take advantage of the recklessness. People rolled in the middle of it, and blood spurted out in the mouth. It was shocking that Guo Xingyue slammed into the sand and couldn’t get up at the moment.
Although the master of Mark Sect is higher than Guo Xingyue, the power of skyfire is too great. In this trick, the great avatar recklessly was also shocked by the blood gushing, and he was also seriously injured and fell to the sand and rolled for several times. This trick was also lost. At the same time, both sides lost their ability to fight again. The difference is that Guo Xingyue has an angry repair here, which only has the level of Jin Xian. Although it is really nothing for the master of Xian Jun level on weekdays, it is necessary to kill a gold with a gentle move. Fairy, but don’t say it’s Jin Xian at this time, even if it’s a fairy, it’s not a good man to be angry with you. There’s a big bargain to pick up at this time, and there’s no reason to pick it up. A short distance teleport rushed to the front of the master of Mark Zong, who couldn’t move, and his mouth was sprayed with real fire one by one.
Angry true fire is slightly worse than Guo Xingyue’s skyfire, but its power is also amazing. The mark Zongxianjun couldn’t even scream, so he was burned to ashes. After angry, he immediately flew to Guo Xingyue and cried, "Ah Yue, are you okay?" Come on, let me carry you. "Guo Xingyue labored to take out a Shengyuan elixir from the bracelet and temporarily suppressed the injury. He said," Angry, let’s get out of here and find a place to hide. The other brigade will arrive soon. "
Angry body shook out the prototype of the fire unicorn and stretched out a claw to throw Guo Xingyue, who was seriously injured, with a teleport on his back. Angry body hunched Guo Xingyue and left here. Soon after he left, there were strong fluctuations around the battlefield. Many experts rushed to Long Tianxing to release their gods and scanned the battlefield. Now Guo Xingyue was not alone in the whole battle, but also found that Guo Xingyue had been seriously injured and had tried to teleport for a long distance. Although Guo Xingyue’s escape direction was judged by law for a while, he knew it.
Long Tianxing, though saddened by his loss of a Xianjun-level brother again, was not blinded by anger, which made all the masters separately search the nearby desert. At the same time, he was transferred to the sects for standby. Dozens of pick Jin Xian also came here to search for Guo Xingyue and others, and the master of Kun Yuan Zong also gave the same instructions to the pick Jin Xian of the sects. After more than ten days, this original deserted desert became lively. From time to time, more than 100 pick Jin Xian masters flew around in this desert to find Guo Xingyue and others.
Mark Zong Kun Yuan Zong many experts searched back and forth in this vast desert for several times, but now Guo Xingyue disappeared like a steamed one. Although Long Tianxing concluded that Guo Xingyue must not have fled back to destroy the fairy land but hid in the desert, he did not find any clues. Although he was very angry, he also managed to make all experts step up their search and not let go of every suspicious place.
Guo Xingyue’s anger didn’t actually go far, because Guo Xingyue knew very well that he couldn’t escape from the tracking of the master of Xianjun level by repairing the roots with anger. If he wanted to escape directly to destroy the fairy domain, he was afraid that he would be caught up soon, and then the two of them would be slaughtered. Guo Xingyue just teleported once and motioned for the anger to stop, so that Guo Xingyue could dig a deep pit in the desert, take out a law body, show the law body, and then backfill the dug sand into the pit to leave an entrance. After hiding in the array, he pointed out the tactics of the angry hand to put the surrounding sand.
Fortunately, here is a barren desert full of long yellow sand. After a few gusts of wind blow, you can’t see any traces of passive hands and feet from the external roots. However, Guo Xingyue’s quadruple maze is covered with thick yellow sand. Unless Long Tianxing comes in person, he scans the array with his knowledge of the root method of Jin Xianjun. In Guo Xingyue, this is a bet on Long Tianxing, who won’t pass through here. Fortunately, Long Xingyue did not come here before Guo Xingyue healed his injury. Guo Xingyue bet correctly.
Guo Xingyue and Angry have been hiding in the array in the depths of the desert for nearly ten fairy years. Finally, their injuries have been cured and their repair has been improved. Although they still failed to break through to the middle of Xianjun, they are not too far away. In the past ten fairy years, Guo Xingyue has been busy healing. Everything he did in the array can suppress him. When Guo Xingyue woke up from meditation, he immediately cried happily, "Ah Yue, it’s great that you woke up. These years can suppress me. Get me out of here."
Guo Xingyue laughed. "Well, we’ll leave soon, but we have to make sure that there are no enemies around us." Guo Xingyue just leaned out of the surface of the earth and now there are immortals in the vicinity. Fortunately, Guo Xingyue’s ability of divinity is much higher than that of the other party. He immediately withdrew his divinity. This didn’t expose his hiding place. Although Guo Xingyue’s divinity scanned each other for a short time, it was judged that it was a fairy in the vicinity. What should he do if he was obviously a middle-term master of Xianjun? Guo Xingyue was lost in thought.
Chapter 29 The Game of Death
There are no famous minerals or elixirs produced in this barren desert, but there are many fierce fairies and beasts. On weekdays, no immortals in Reagan would come here to take risks, but now there are fairy-level masters in this desert, whose eyes are obviously directed at themselves. So how many masters Long Tianxing are here? Guo Xingyue felt that there was some big trouble this time.
If there is Guo Xingyue alone here, he can avoid all the people by virtue of his outstanding ability of divine knowledge. If he hadn’t met Long Tianxing, it wouldn’t be difficult to get away. But now he is still angry with him. What if he wants to get back to destroying the fairy land? Guo Xingyue secretly contemplated the present situation in his heart. He had been hiding in the depths of this desert for nearly ten years, but the master of Mark Zong still did not give up searching for himself. Obviously, Long Tianxing was cruel to kill himself.
So many masters have been tossing about ten immortals in this big desert.
It is absolutely nonsense to say that Emperor Qing Di knew anything in 2000, although the two immortals kept saying that they valued their potential and demanded their alliance. It is estimated that they also had other plans. If they asked them for help, the two old guys would easily betray themselves. Although they made friends, the two factions were less powerful, and it is unlikely that they would come to this muddy water pond. It seems that they can rely on their own strength if they want to get out of trouble.
Long Tianxing’s goal is that if he shows up, he should be able to get away safely, so whether he can get away becomes a big problem, not to mention that once he is allowed to stare at himself, he doesn’t even have a chance to escape, that is, those mark Zongxianjun level experts are enough to drink a pot for themselves. This method is too risky to choose as a last resort.
If you continue to hide in the depths of this desert and spend time with each other.
It’s also a way to ensure that Long Tianxing won’t pass through this place by his own root method. Although his own array method is very cleverly laid out, it’s unlikely that once he is scanned by Long Tianxing’s knowledge, he will neither become turtles in a jar, nor hide from Guo Xingyue. He feels a headache and is angry. He is not clear about the current situation, and he is clamoring for going out for fun, which makes Guo Xingyue upset.
Guo Xingyue’s reasoning can’t find a plan. Before looking at it, Guo Xingyue can jump around and get angry. Guo Xingyue also looks extremely resistant. This angry repair is getting deeper and deeper, but the fun heart has not changed. Ten years ago, his injury was not healed, and he was able to endure himself. Now his injury is good, and this angry can’t be suppressed. If he really decides to hide in this law, it seems that this guy will make a mess. It seems that there is also a risk.
Guo Xingyue took out a jade block from the bracelet, engraved the method of getting in and out of the maze of Biyou Palace in the jade block and handed it to Angry. "There are many masters of Xianjun level outside who are searching for us, and I will take you to escape together. This plan can be made by me to attract the pursuers’ attention. You’d better stay in this array for a few more days, and I’ll be safe when I guide those masters to destroy the fairy land." Angry shouted that Guo Xingyue would be entangled in dizziness to analyze the current situation. Tell Angry that if two people are together, no one can walk away. Angry angrily took the jade piece and said with a worried face, "Ah Yue, you should pay attention to Ann. I’ll wait for you at Biyou Palace, so you must come back."
Guo Xingyue carefully poked God’s knowledge out of the earth’s surface and looked around to make sure that there were no immortals in the surrounding two or three hundred miles. After that, he came out of the law in the depths of the desert, and a teleport came to the ground, just a meditation and teleport away in the direction of the emperor’s fairy land.
Jian Xin zong Kun yuan zong Shen searched for Guo xingyue immortal, though
However, many of them are just thirteen or four people in Xianjun, and the masters are seriously insufficient. Therefore, Long Tianxing has arranged some first-class masters who are close to destroying the fairy land and close to the emperor fairy land. (Long Tianxing made a private move against Guo Xingyue, although the imperial city of Qing Di did not intervene, but when Long Tianxing tried to invite helpers, he encountered resistance. All the masters who received Long Tianxing’s invitation were excused, and it seems that they were under pressure from Qing Di. Therefore, Long Tianxing can also rely on the existing strength to deal with Guo Xingyue.
Guo xingyue
After teleporting out, the gods immediately noticed that there were two immortals moving 300 miles away from him. Both immortals were in the middle of picking Jin Xian’s work. If Guo Xingyue was doing it now, he could kill them with one blow, but Guo Xingyue didn’t want to kill them so soon. He had to let them show his information before he would consider taking their lives.
Guo Xingyue’s short-distance teleport appeared in front of the two pick Jin Xian with a cold smile. "You two are looking for hey, hey, you’re delivering the door yourself." When the two pick Jin Xian saw Guo Xingyue suddenly appear in front of your face like a ghost, they were all shocked. After they had been looking for Guo Xingyue for nearly ten years, they knew that it was not Guo Xingyue’s opponent. At the same time, they moved their own teleport and tried to escape.
The two pick Jin Xian gods ability Guo Xingyue is too far apart. It is impossible to escape from Guo Xingyue. Guo Xingyue’s gods immediately locked one of them, and the fairy sword turned into a jin hong and shot it.
Another pick Jin Xiangen didn’t dare to stay and help his companion. He fled the scene in a teleport. These mark Zongkun Yuanzong masters came to search for Guo Xingyue. Guo Xingyue naturally wouldn’t be polite to them. After consciously letting go of the messenger, Guo Xingyue attacked the pick Jin Xian who was locked by the gods.
The pick Jin Xian saw that his companion fled regardless of himself. In addition to secretly scolding his companion for not being helpful enough, he had to bite the bullet and shoot his own fairy sword. He tried to pick up Guo Xingyue to recruit Guo Xingyue, which was two levels higher than the other side. His ability of divine knowledge was far higher than that of his opponent. It was much faster than that of his opponent to come to the imperial sword. Plus, Guo Xingyue’s master of sword-heart Sect fought many times, and he was already very familiar with the one-pulse method of sword-heart Sect. Could it be that a medium-term master of pick Jin Xian could handle it?
Guo Xingyue’s fairy sword suddenly changed direction in the middle.
After the other Xianjian was shot down, the original potential remained unchanged, and the other party immediately blew a pick Jin Xian into the ground. Guo Xingyue took back Xianjian and looked at the scene. A teleport disappeared in the depths of the desert.
The message has been handed out, and Guo Xingyue will no longer attack the sword-heart clan in the desert like a ghost. The master of one side has died in the hands of Guo Xingyue for dozens of days in succession, and there are more than ten people in Luo Jinxian. Guo Xingyue is a killer, and he is very good at stealth. He has a strong ability to know god, and then deepen the array method to lay the sword-heart clan. One side has suffered heavy casualties, but the sword-heart clan can’t find Guo Xingyue’s trace. One side has set an ambush several times and tried to trap Guo Xingyue, but Guo Xingyue’s roots are improper
Long Tianxing was furious with Guo Xingyue, but he had to withdraw all the departments of Luo Jinxian to stay in the desert and search for Guo Xingyue, while Long Tianxing hid in the dark like Guo Xingyue, waiting for the opportunity to make moves. However, since Luo Jinxian withdrew from the desert, Guo Xingyue also seemed to disappear and never appeared again.
Guo Xingyue has been tossing and turning in the desert for dozens of days. It is estimated that angry people should have returned to destroy the fairy land, and they have not stayed much. Relying on the excellent ability of gods, they have escaped many immortals’ search and dived to destroy the fairy land. Although this deserted desert is big, it is only two or three teleports for a master like Guo Xingyue. He doesn’t intend to continue to play the dangerous death game, and many immortals continue to teleport to destroy the fairy land.
Guo Xingyue has returned to the destruction of Fairyland after three teleports in succession. My heart is finally a little stable. I don’t worry about being hunted by Long Tianxing. I teleport happily to Biyou Palace. Unfortunately, Guo Xingyue was happy too early. When Guo Xingyue just finished a teleport, she suddenly realized the danger arrival.
Not far away from Guo Xingyue, an old man in white with a cold face was quietly wearing a strong threat, while his anger turned into a fire unicorn. He lay down in the old man in white with his feet closed and his eyes closed. Guo Xingyue suddenly made a tentative inquiry and asked, "My predecessor is Long Tianxing, the head of Jianxin Sect?"
Chapter 21 Purple Emperor
Guo Xingyue tried to cover up the angry escape by using his powerful divine knowledge, profound array method and keen killer intuition to play around with the master of Mark Sect. However, this diversion plan can’t hide from the fact that the head of Mark Sect, Long Tianxing, can practice until the middle of the immortal emperor, and is it that there are millions of wise people practicing in the immortal year? He soon judged that Guo Xingyue’s move was intended to cover up the humble companion’s escape.
Although Long Tianxing judged Guo Xingyue’s intention, he didn’t mind being angry and fled, but instead, he followed suit and rounded up all the masters. However, Guo Xingyue was as cunning as a fox, which not only avoided rounding up many masters, but also killed many mark-minded masters, which made Long Tianxing furious, but he was forced to hit the angry body in the escape.
Angry as it is
Naturally, the progress of heterogeneous cultivation is extremely fast, but the practice time is still short, and there is only Jin Xianxiu. Although Guo Xingyue led the master of Mark Zong to flee desperately, the deserted desert was too big. The angry root method passed in a short time, and the angry one was chased by Long Tianxing before it escaped to destroy the fairy land.
The strength gap between the two sides was so big that if they didn’t resist, they were captured alive by Long Tianxing, and the information in their brains burned the location map of Biyou Palace. The jade piece naturally fell into Long Tianxing’s hands. Long Tianxing didn’t kill him, but took him into the ruined fairy land and waited for Guo Xingyue to arrive near Biyou Palace.
Guo Xingyue’s knowledge was swept away, and he immediately lay down on the ground. Anger was still alive, but his body was locked. His heart was a little settled. Looking at the old man in white in front of him, he tentatively asked, "My predecessor is Long Tianxing, the head of Jian Xin Sect?" Long Tianxing did not answer but snorted, "Are you going to commit suicide or do you want to give you a ride?"
Guo Xingyue tiny one zheng heart move said with a smile, "the dragon head body Qing Di fairy domain second master will know six fairy domain convention? The consequences of breaking into and destroying the fairy land without permission … "
"Ha ha ha" Long Tianxing laughed and said "good! The consequences are very serious, but who will know that the old lady has been here when you die? "
"Hey, hey, if you are dead and stupid, you can guess that it is the head of the pavilion dragon who wants to hide his ears?"
"Are you? Well, it makes sense, but if I don’t want to live and commit suicide, I’m afraid no one will suspect the old lady? "
"Suicide? I’m sorry I never do such a stupid thing. "
"Oh, if you don’t commit suicide, I’ll kill this stupid unicorn first and then I’ll kill you. Alas, although this unicorn is stupid, it’s a little reluctant to kill it. It’s your fault."
Guo Xingyue didn’t know that Long Tianxing didn’t kill angry people, but he appeared in front of himself with angry people-Long Tianxing’s attempt to kill himself was just a matter of lifting a finger, which didn’t make him angry. This is the destruction of the fairy land. If someone finds out that Long Tianxing broke into this place in violation of the celestial convention, it will be a disaster in front of him. If Long Tianxing kills himself, if he tries to cover up the scene afterwards, he will be tracked down by a willing heart, but if he commits suicide, then even if someone suspects, he can’t help himself. He just wants to commit suicide by taking
Guo Xingyue is excellent in all aspects, but he has a fatal weakness-he really can’t watch Angry die in front of him, but Guo Xingyue also knows that even if he commits suicide, Long Tianxing will not let Angry live. What should I do? Guo Xingyue is planning to start work in his heart? No way! You’ve gone too far, and your roots are not the other side’s move to escape? It’s impossible to escape in the dragon and sky, even if you can escape, what about the anger? Suicide? I would never do such a stupid thing, but what should I do in the face of the situation? Guo Xingyue suddenly felt a little afflicted.
Long Tianxing no longer looked at Guo Xingyue with a cold smile. After thinking for a while, Guo Xingyue made up his mind and looked at Long Tianxing. "Please!" As soon as the words are finished, the Xianjian God is on the alert to prepare for the move. Long Tianxing first Zheng and then laughed. "Since you want to fight the trapped beast, it’s good to give you a ride." At the same time, a powerful pressure mask went to Guo Xingyue.
Although Guo Xingyue was a genius, he made rapid progress. In a short span of more than 1,000 fairy years, he was already in the early stage of Xianjun. However, Long Tianxing’s immortal master was still far away. Long Tianxing had already oppressed Guo Xingyue’s body trembling and unstable even before he released the coercion. However, Guo Xingyue’s tenacity was just gritting his teeth and running wildly. The spiral immortal resisted that powerful coercion, and he smiled coldly. He was about to kill Guo Xingyue in the palm of his hand. Suddenly, a powerful LUN Biwei pressure was inserted into Guo Xingyue’s body.
This accident surprised Long Tianxing, knowing that Xiu Yuan, the newcomer, released a golden Xianjian God in his desperate attempt to deal with Guo Xingyue, and shouted, "Please come out to see the elder when he arrived."
A purple figure appeared in the morning when two people were dressed in purple, even their eyebrows and beards were purple. They walked over and looked at Long Tianxing and said, "Is it okay for Long Xiaoxiao to come out?"
Long Tianxing became a little ugly when he saw the face of the bearer. "Did the ancestors of the Purple Emperor forget the six conventions on fairy land?"
"Ha-ha, I don’t seem to have forgotten, well, it seems that I should not enter and destroy the fairy land privately. Why don’t you kill yourself, so that no one will know that I have been here?" This is exactly what Long Tianxing said to Guo Xingyue before, and Guo Xingyue couldn’t help laughing. Ha-ha, this is really a quick report.
The later the celestial practice gets, the more difficult it is to rise, and the gap at each level is getting bigger and bigger. Although it is already in the middle of the immortal emperor, the purple emperor is only one level short, but this level is an insurmountable gap. It has been nearly a million years since the cultivation of the celestial practice, but it has always reached the late stage of the immortal emperor. Compared with the late stage of the immortal emperor, dzogchen has a great gap. At this time, facing the threat of the purple emperor, he did not dare to move. The purple emperor asked him to commit suicide. After all, he was practicing for many years, and his eyes turned blue. Carved white purple emperor also dare not make moves here. Ha ha a smile. "I didn’t see anything here. Well, it’s a nice day. I’ll go for a walk here and say goodbye." The voice dropped and teleported away from the original place
The purple emperor didn’t stop Long Tianxing from criticizing the sentence "This is a small but well-advised one" and then walked over to Guo Xingyue’s way "Good Xiaogang’s soaring to the celestial world has caused so many things to really have you."
Guo Xingyue respectfully made a ceremony, saying, "Thank you, Zi Di’s elder, for helping the younger generation. Guo Xingyue is polite. I wonder if the elder can have something important to help the younger generation here?"