Middle-aged humanitarian "I never dared to put aside martial arts even if I was pampered." He held the sword and pointed the tip of the sword slightly at the ground, which was a sign of respect for his opponent.

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However, Xu Yuntian didn’t pay attention to these. He noticed that the tip of the middle-aged man’s sword has never trembled since he settled, which shows how steady the swordsman is. It doesn’t look like a legal person who is not good at swords.
But Xu Yuntian believes that this person is right. He knows that if a person with high martial arts and deep cultivation says that he is not good at swordsmanship, and few people have seen his sword, it doesn’t mean that he really can’t use it. On the contrary, his swordsmanship may be quite good, but it may be extraordinary because he may practice a heart sword-the heart sword has already become one, and the sword can help him achieve what he wants to do in his heart.
Xu Yuntian is such a hidden sword for many years, but he has also practiced it for many years. He guessed that this man might be like him before Xu Yuntian, and he also felt that his blood was boiling again after years of cooling.
There was silence in the field, and everyone was so oppressed by the firm but gentle shock emitted by two people in the field that they couldn’t even utter a sound. The only thing they could vaguely hear was the "plop plop" rapid beating of hundreds of people due to nervous hearts.
Listen to Xu Yuntian slowly "pavilion please come in"
Middle-aged people said, "I haven’t drawn my sword yet."
Xu Yuntian said, "I don’t care if the sword will be drawn at the right moment. Please move it near."
Middle-aged people can’t help laughing "Good concentration, good swordsmanship, hahaha"
Many people are puzzled by this statement-it is easy to understand that middle-aged people say that Xu Yuntian has good concentration, but it is hard to guess that he is good at swordsmanship. After all, the two of them have not yet dealt with it.
It turns out that Xu Yuntian doesn’t want to draw his sword but can’t pull it out.
Although the tip of the middle-aged man’s sword points to the ground, it also hides a major pitfalls. If Xu Yuntian rashly draws his sword, it will definitely lead to his own exposure and give his opponent an opportunity.
On the contrary, it’s like this. An Baojian is not drawn, but he is drawn. Opponents can block if they attack themselves.
Middle-aged people will praise Xu Yuntian’s "good swordsmanship" only when he sees this move.
After Xu Yuntian answered "I’m flattered", he still said "Please come in".
Middle-aged people laughed and drank "If I am good, I will respect the sword." Then I shook my sword and went straight to the palace.
Xu Yuntian held the scabbard in his left hand and raised his hand to meet the frame. At the same time, his right hand flashed out the sword in the scabbard.
In this way, Xu Yuntian took advantage because the other party had a long sword and he had a scabbard besides it.
For a real fencing master, the scabbard is very different, and both can hurt people.
The middle-aged man seems to have seen this, knowing that his sword will touch the scabbard of the other side, and the sword on the other side will be attacked, so he will quickly stop the sword and change his mind to take Xu Yuntian’s throat.
Xu Yuntian came to cut the middle-aged man’s sword, and suddenly Ling made a spin to stab it. The tip of the sword pointed at the middle-aged man’s right hand pulse door, and the degree of sight was one step ahead of the middle-aged man’s sword. At the same time, the scabbard in his left hand turned to the armpit on the right side of the middle-aged man.
The middle-aged man was really surprised when he saw it, so he quickly closed his sword and floated back, which showed that he was giving up.
If we talk about swordsmanship alone, middle-aged Xu Yuntian may still be equal, but because Xu Yuntian is far away from middle-aged people and the middle-aged people are really not good at swordsmanship, Xu Yuntian can recruit after and make the first move. Although we emphasize the sharp understanding of swordsmanship, it is more important to move quickly than to move quickly, so the swordsmanship can swing to the realm. Even if it has violated the original sword, the so-called sword moves to the disease and wins, but there are tricks.
Xu Yuntian closed his sword and fuels and said, "I’m sorry."
Middle-aged people stupefied tunnel "pavilion jianfa really outstanding Pepe"
Xu Yuntian said, "Dare you ask if you are waiting for someone to go?"
The middle-aged man realized that he had just promised to others, and he couldn’t help but hesitate to say, "Ah, go ahead." He didn’t expect Xu Yuntian to win himself in two strokes, which also led him to underestimate himself. If I don’t think about it at the moment, I really regret that it would produce a bad taste. I must have missed my sword and short-circuited the enemy.
Xu Yuntian turned to Xu Shaodao, "Shao Er, take your friend and let’s go."
Xu Shaogang promised to listen to the middle-aged man again, "Please stay at the pavilion."
Xu yun eyebrows slightly wrinkled turned around and said, "what? Does it count if you want to say it? "
The middle-aged man’s face turned red, but the fire around him was even redder. "Oh, that’s not true … I want to ask the pavilion to stay here for a day."
Xu Yun’s heart secretly worried and thought that even if his swordsmanship was higher today, the situation would be difficult to rush out. Besides, this middle-aged man’s martial arts must be more than that. How did he know that at this time, he was going to break his word and secretly contemplated his face, but he was still a proud expression and said coldly, "I don’t know if the pavilion is interested in leaving me?" Do you still want to accept disciples? "
Middle-aged people by Xu Yuntian this sarcastic face can’t help some would nu way "I want to please pavilion here for a night and then pavilion to take an examination of the school, because my director is not jianfa. If pavilion is not trustworthy, I can let those two young players go first, and I won’t be difficult for them."
Xu Yuntian sneered and said, "Do you want to stay under house arrest forever?"
That’s what middle-aged people think. Now it’s even more embarrassing to be exposed, but their attitude is still tough. They say, "Xu Yuntian, don’t be unappreciative. You know, I want to keep you. You don’t need such a chapter. I respect you for being a generation of swordsman. Please treat me differently."
Xu Yuntian knows what he said is good. Today, let alone with Xu Shao, two people are sure to rush out of this ghost gate city by themselves. This ghost gate is the most difficult place in Tianzhou. No one can come and go here freely from ancient times to modern times. What’s more, there is a middle-aged man with unfathomable martial arts before him.
Is Xu Yuntian than anxious, middle-aged people gradually feel proud when suddenly see the western sky burst up a golden light is very dazzling.
Xu Yuntian can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that he is in danger and will leave here today. His expression can’t help but be relaxed.
Middle-aged people are wondering about the origin of the fire. At the moment, they saw Xu Yuntian’s expression, but they didn’t know what he was doing. Therefore, they planned to say nothing today and couldn’t let this person leave. It is the so-called "it is easy to catch a tiger but difficult to longitudinal it". If you let it leave today, it will be bad for you in the future.
Middle-aged people shouted, "Don’t blame me for being ignorant."
Xu Yuntian deliberately asked, "Will the pavilion stay like this?"
Middle-aged humanity "Please don’t move you, I will stay."
Xu Yuntian sneer at a way: "I’m afraid … I can’t stay here."
Middle-aged people raised their eyebrows and shouted, "Then try it", so as to make people suddenly see one hand and rush to meet the pedestrian. They knelt down and said, "The door master is blessed with a gift to order all beings to have something important to tell the door master."
Middle-aged people seem a little unhappy to be interrupted, but they still say, "What’s the important thing to get up and talk?"
The man got up and handed a letter and said, "The master of the door was looking for He Xiang outside. Just now, a respectable gentleman appeared at the west gate and said that he wanted to see you. Later, when you came to the ghost house, he changed his mind and wrote a letter to the master of the door to hand over the novel. And …"
Middle-aged humanity "and what? Don’t hesitate to say. "
The humanitarian said, "Yes, but I also saw that they captured a man who was, was, and was the king’s master."