He won’t stop until she answers the phone.

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This time, she answered the phone, and her voice was unfamiliar and cold.
Section 229
"Hello, who is this?"
NiHaoDong leng AnLuo can clearly hear each other breathing some heavy seems to be angry.
"Who did you want to call just now?"
He deliberately knows what’s going on, but he just wants to force him to ask questions.
The music in the receiver is much smaller. His voice sounds close. He should hide in the toilet to make a phone call in order to reduce the noise.
"Why should I tell you!" Ann closed her eyes and wanted to ask him who the woman who just answered the phone was, didn’t she? What turned into this as soon as she spoke!
She hesitated for a long time over there, and her heart was in her throat. He would be angry and hang up. I didn’t expect him to breathe heavily from his nostrils. Suddenly, the noise in the receiver became louder. She pressed her mobile phone and her hand became a little loose. He must have come out of the toilet.
She wriggled and frowned at the corner of her mouth and hummed, "Are you busy? I’ll hang up."
"owe to pick up! Don’t you dare to hang one! "
She pressed her lips tightly and heard a crunchy sound of cigarette lighting.
"Wait for me at home and my horse will go back."
"no!" Duplicity! An Luo stretched out his hand and grabbed his hair and despised himself.
This time, his ears were clean, and he hung up decisively. She broke her shoulders and put her mobile phone on the bedside, shrinking into the bed like she had no bones. This time, he should be directly angry with her!
Her ear is full of the sound "Dong Ge ~ I answered one for you ~"
I can’t sleep when I think of it, and I have a layer of goose bumps.
I don’t know how long it took before I suddenly heard the sound of the door of the building. In the dark, her eyes suddenly opened and her ears pricked up, listening to the movement of the building.
Change the sound of slippers, and then the sound of the floor is followed by the falling force, pulling the corner and turning around to face the wall to prepare for pretending to sleep.
The bedroom door snapped gently-he twisted the bedside lamp.
She closed her eyes tightly, and there was a strong smell of alcohol and choking smoke mixed with a faint perfume, so she got into her room and gasped. She choked and coughed twice.
"Didn’t sleep?" His voice rang behind him.
Then she felt a warm body lying beside her, and his strong arms were wrapped around her chest. As soon as the force was received, she was tightly strapped to her arms by him.
She opened a gap in her eyes and saw that he was strapped to her chest and her arms were bright and clean. She couldn’t help but take off her pie-pie clothes quickly! Have you practiced!
"If I had known you would wake up in the middle of the night, I would not have agreed to play cards with them!" Overhead, he has a low voice and his voice is still a little hoarse, as if he is seriously short of water.
"Pretend to sleep again and eat sausages for you!"
He stretched out his hand over her body and let her lie flat. When he turned over, he lay on her body. Although the smell of alcohol was very strong, he didn’t forget to support her body with his arms, leaving a gap for her abdomen.
Her eyelashes trembled, and finally she slowly opened her eyes. It’s strange that his eyes are full of red blood and lack of sleep, and his eyes are not red after drinking!
He suddenly bowed his head and knew what he was going to do. His kiss landed on her mouth. He twisted his eyebrows and asked coldly, "What’s the matter? Don’t let the pro? "
Text 295 Are you still wronged?
"Don’t kiss me with your mouth after kissing an animal." She put her hands on his chest and pushed his body to keep her distance.
"What did you say?" NiHaoDong move a staring at her a face of stubborn mercilessly frowned.
His face turned black in an instant, and his eyes turned black like ink.
With such a strong perfume and the woman who answered the phone for him
She can’t even think about it. She can’t help it.
"I said don’t kiss the mouth of an animal. I feel dirty!" She said it again word for word.
He stared at her deeply for a while and then suddenly smiled.
"What are you laughing at?" She twisted her eyebrows, depressed and growled, and the injustice in her heart rushed out again. She cocked her head and opened her mouth to bite at his face. When she saw his smiling face, she was furious and left her a pregnant woman at home. He went out to drink and pick up girls himself. Isn’t it fun? Proud, right?
It was before her teeth touched his face that he leaned over and crushed her. She hit the pillow hard, although it didn’t hurt, but it also shook for a short time. After a short buzz, she felt her lips were softly sealed. He held her face in his hands and kissed her very tenderly. She felt sick. She frowned and whined in pain, calling her hands to slap on his back.
Although she didn’t let her move, she really eased a lot, and her tight body slowly softened.
Enough kissing, he lay on her side with his hand on his head to watch her, and the other hand pulled her arm around his waist, and then he put out a leg to hook her leg as if he were afraid that she would run away.