The small white body appeared in front of Ye Guchen when the eggshell was broken, but compared with the past, the small white coat was more pure and the white body was still so strong. Except for the hair, it seemed that there was no special change. The only thing that grew at the back of the huge and thick body was a pair of wings, which looked a little ferocious, adding a little ShaQi to the small white, especially the wings with strange patterns, which made people feel that this thing was more mysterious than.

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"Small white you finally wake up? ! Ye Guchen was a little happy and said that Ye Guchen’s natural heart was happier than Xiao Bai’s awakening. After all, Ye Guchen was lonely when Xiao Bai disappeared. Although they often came to visit Bi Dish and begged to live here to take care of Ye Guchen, they were all rejected by Ye Guchen. After all, compared with Xiao Bai, sometimes Ye Guchen really has the same scruples as Xiao Bai. It is a very painful thing to say it without even a caring person.
"Ha ha, yes, boss, how am I handsome? A lot of words in the wrong novel network tut-tut, "said Xiao Bai with a full face of pride. When he said this, he also shook his huge exhibition, which was two meters long, and walked around the ground twice as if to show Ye Guchen his perfect figure.
For Xiaobai, this smelly fart line, Ye Guchen’s mouth hung with a little ponder smile, and he was just about to say that some time suddenly a flash of light flashed in the sky for a second, and the real person appeared in front of Ye Guchen, smiling and complacent, and said to Ye Guchen, "Ye Xiaoyou, I found you. Haha, I just went to the cold peak, and my school sister said that you were here, so I was anxious to come here. Haha, you want to fly a sword, and I have made it for you. What do you think?"
On the day of speaking, the refined reality took out a perfect latosolic red flying sword, which was slightly meaningful in front of Ye Guchen. The latosolic red flying sword was full of strange flame patterns, and the standard sword about one foot three inches long was slightly larger than the general flying sword, but the blade flashed cold light, which made people dare not dismiss the flying sword in the slightest. This is the fact that the real thing is refined, and the whole evil extreme case is very clear.
Seeing this flying sword, Ye Guchen’s eyes lit up and he took the flying sword in his hand and touched it carefully, and he repeatedly wondered that Ye Guchen liked this flying sword very much.
"Ha ha how about this fly sword is good? I collected many precious materials, such as Tianjinsha, white light, silver and copper, and it took me a few months to refine it for you. Although this flying sword is not a magic weapon, I spent a lot of precious materials to create a jade fire spirit bead attached to this sword body. This sword is absolutely extremely poor in prefecture level, and it can enter the ranks of magic weapons in one step. Nowadays, there is a lack of a sword spirit in it, otherwise it should be able to become a real magic weapon. I’ve set up a prison spirit array inside the flying sword. I want you to slay a spirit beast or find a soul and put it into it. This sword will instantly become a magic weapon. I’ve spent a lot of effort on this sword. How can I be satisfied? " Day refined reality smilingly said that he was very satisfied with refining this flying sword this time.
"Are you? Dare you ask the real person the name of this flying sword? " Ye Gu Chen came to be very happy after listening to this day’s real words, but his eyes lit up and he asked absently while stroking his flying sword.
"So ~? I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but this name is not bad, is it? Wrong novel network many words "refined reality haha laughed.
I have to say that this day, although refining the magic weapon, the name level is not so good, but Ye Guchen likes this flying sword very much, so I won’t say much. What matters is the body, not the name. For Ye Guchen, it is all important.
"Good, good, good name. This is also a good sword." Ye Guchen also practiced swordsmanship. People also have their own hobbies for weapons. Naturally, they can see the good and bad while stroking the flying sword in their hands and promised.
"Well, flying sword is there, but it didn’t take long for little friends to come to my holy extreme Sect to want to be familiar with flying sword making and mastering, did it? There are many words in the wrong novel network. Well, this flying sword is the main object. Xiaoyou can go to the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion of Shengji Zongshengxie Peak to find a flying sword. It is of great benefit to Xiaoyou. Although Xiaoyou is a martial artist, he is somewhat different from others in the battle of fixing the true world. However, this attack is even a bit overwhelming. I am determined. Xiaoyou can go to the Buddhist Scripture Pavilion of Shengxie Peak where there are many masters from past dynasties who have passed spells, swordsmanship and some other things. Xiaoyou will naturally get what you want when he goes. "The refined real person is obviously very interested in Ye Guchen
"I know the real person, please rest assured that I will come to the Sutra Pavilion in my spare time to see the secrets of the evil ancestors." Ye Guchen is also unambiguous and said to the refined real person fuels.
Words said here refined reality is not much said to Ye Guchen slightly fuels and then turned to leave now that things have been done, there is no need for him to stay. Of course, when he left, he still unconsciously took one look at Ye Guchen’s hands. Obviously, he is still very proud of his refined reality.
Here, the refined reality left Ye Guchen and Xiao Bai and returned directly to the cold peak without making too many stops. Ye Guchen was eager to accept this flying sword, while Xiao Bai here was eager to go back to Hu to eat and drink, and the two hit it off and soon returned to the cold peak.
Although this flying sword is the main object, it is not easy to get around it after all because it is a magic weapon at the prefecture level. It took Ye Guchen more than half a month to refine this flying sword and integrate it into itself.
When all this was done, Ye Guchen hurried to the holy evil peak and asked about the location of the holy evil peak sutra depository. After getting permission, Ye Guchen went straight there, even without going to the holy evil peak hall, and went straight to the holy evil peak sutra depository.
The holy evil peak sutra depository is located in the mountainside behind the holy evil peak, which is a pavilion on the mountainside. Of course, the pavilion halfway up the mountain is a real sutra depository in the mountainside, which is not easy to reach by passing through the main peak and passing through a steep mountain road along the way.
It’s impossible for Yu Feijian to go straight here because it’s surrounded by prohibitions. It’s not possible to fly directly to the roots. What’s worse, this evil sect is forbidden to fly, especially in the back of the mountain. Once someone tries to enter here, the result is self-evident, and that person will be strangled by evil sect masters.
What’s more, this sutra depository department is not without defense. Besides dozens of yuan infant masters are stationed around, it is said that there are some elders stationed here. It can be said that it is not generally difficult to get in here like an iron wall, and it is also forbidden for other people to come in and out here on weekdays, because it is forbidden for ordinary brothers to come here. Only talented people who can get here are qualified to enter here and be widely read by others, and they are not even qualified to step into this door.
The reason why the requirements are so strict and the defense is so tight is that it doesn’t seem to be very large. Once it is obtained, the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion will be sent here. It can be said that the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of Evil Extremist Sect is definitely a sacred place for the practitioners, so the defense here is particularly special.
It’s not a problem for Ye Guchen to enter the sutra depository with a token given by a cold real person. No one has come out to stop Ye Guchen. After all, every patriarch has asked his brother to borrow classics with a token. Although Ye Guchen is a man, no one dares to stop Ye Guchen from giving a token with a cold real person.
The gatekeepers, the two younger brothers, Ye Guchen, invited Ye Guchen to enter the gate after they hit it. When Ye Guchen stepped into it, the door behind him slowly closed and the surrounding area lit up in a dark moment. A futon old man sat cross-legged in front of this wall with his eyes closed and said to Ye Guchen, "Which family are you?" Come and get it? "
Although the voice is not big, Yuzryha solitary Chen felt a pressure of fame. Although he knew that the other party was not aiming at himself, Ye solitary Chen still felt cold and sweaty, as if he might fall here later. Generally, Ye solitary Chen couldn’t breathe out of the atmosphere. I have never felt this way since I came to this evil extreme.
"Danger is very dangerous!" Ye Guchen had such an idea in his heart. Although the other party didn’t deliberately target himself, Ye Guchen still felt weak in front of others, like an ant, and it was very bad to be run over at any time.
"The younger generation Ye Guchen came to find a sword method book ~" Without hesitation, Ye Guchen decided to cooperate honestly, otherwise there will be no accidents. The momentum of the other party is really unbearable.
“! Ye guchen! " Come and sit there with your eyes closed, looking like a real master, as if you don’t care about the old road, blink your eyes, converge your body momentum and scream at Ye Guchen in front of you. Obviously, this one also knows Ye Guchen.
"Is the elder know me?" Ye Guchen was a little surprised and said that several patriarchs and owners knew themselves well, but this one didn’t know it was the first road and even knew himself, so Yuzryha Guchen was a little confused.
"predecessors? Er ~ ~ Xiaozu ~ ~ Er Xiaoyou, you can forget the word "elder". I hope you will never do it again after you. It was my gift just now. Please don’t forgive me, Xiaoyou! The day wind is here to make a gift to you ~ ""The old man’s mouth twitched and then quickly said that when he said this, there was a slight sweat on his forehead, and he didn’t know whether he was talking or giving it back to Ye Guchen.
If this man turned out to be the one in front of him, he wouldn’t have done it as he did just now. Although he has put some pressure on his brothers in daily life and highlighted his identity, he has limited convergence for his breath, but he didn’t expect to meet Ye Guchen, a real person with a big mouth, and now he can’t show off himself. Now he’s fine. He just gave this one a Mawei. Is that okay?
Fortunately, no one knows, otherwise, the real person in Tianfeng doubts whether he will be eaten alive by those angry guys. After all, this one is
You know, sweat is a mortal thing, and it rarely happens unless you are particularly afraid. But Ye Guchen really can’t figure out if this person with good fear is a man-eating tiger. Even if the other party just showed momentum and strength, there is no need to be afraid of yourself. Ye Guchen denies that there is a tiger as his opponent.
"This isn’t my secret book." Ye Guchen gave a wry smile. I just felt really bad. By listening to the name, this Tianfeng reality knew that it was also a fit cow figure to come with the evil people and their peers. That kind of power really made me bear this little then method. But since people have apologized like this, they can say something nice to themselves regardless of their face.
**** *w*w*w**** ***o*m
It’s always so hard to faint a dozen votes that I want to cry.
Chapter one hundred and twenty Far East has the name Datang
Chapter one hundred and twenty Far East has the name Datang
For Ye Guchen, the elder Tianfeng immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice, without saying anything. An outsider seemed to disappear from Ye Guchen very quickly, and then when he reappeared, he had taken out what he knew was better than flying swords.
His eyesight is not difficult to see that Ye Guchen is practicing flying swords outside, instead of practicing flying swords like those sword immortals. He didn’t take out things like those sword immortals practicing sword classics, but he took out some stories such as controlling flying swords, such as manipulating flying swords, among which there are many treasures. Of course, these things are worthless compared with those mastered by real sword practitioners, but Ye Guchen is not specialized in kendo and naturally ignores so many.
After thanking the elders of Tianfeng, Ye Guchen turned away from the sutra depository and didn’t stay too long, because Ye Guchen really couldn’t stand that day when the elders of Fengfeng were caring and attentive. A master who didn’t know how old he was, and a master who fit in with him, just waited on him. Yuzryha Guchen was a little uncomfortable, although he was very uncomfortable. This was not for him, but for the cheap master behind him, but Ye Guchen was still a little bit uncomfortable.
After leaving this sacred evil peak, the Sutra Pavilion returned to this day, and Ye Guchen once again fell into the practice. After mastering the theory and control method of the flying sword thoroughly, when Ye Guchen stepped on the flying sword and wandered around this evil extreme, he finally made a determination, that is, to get out of here.
The truth that reading thousands of volumes is not as good as Wan Li Road is that Ye Guchen is white, and he has now reached the golden elixir period and wants to break through unless he has the opportunity or desperately spends decades and hundreds of years to dive into this point. Some Ye Guchen can’t do this, and he is not a lonely person who can stand loneliness. What’s more, he has been practicing boring for decades and hundreds of years.
So he wants to go out and have a look at this huge fix true world. If he stays here all the time, Ye Guchen feels that he won’t have any growth, because he can already feel that these big old people have taken extra care of themselves. This is not a good thing for himself. Ye Guchen is afraid that he will get used to this comfortable life and will never leave here again.
You know, Ye Guchen can grow up so quickly in the Fengyun mainland, and he is constantly experiencing life and death. As a result, Ye Guchen believes that the theory is local, whether it is to fix the truth or practice martial arts, or people are experiencing life and death. If he is comfortable in this evil practice, even if he succeeds in stepping into Xianmen in the end, Ye Guchen doesn’t feel that his life is alive and interesting, just like growing up in a canary in a cage. Although he enjoys life, he is boring and passionate. This life is not what Ye Guchen wants.
And Ye Guchen has a secret, that is, he wants to go out and look for Miaoyun, but he must have met that beautiful female Miaoyun in those years. She must be a practitioner, and Ye Guchen wants to find her out, because this woman is the only enchanted female Ye Guchen has seen so far. Naturally, it is impossible to give up!
"Dear patriarchs, I want to leave the evil Sect!" Leaves alone in front of the hall looking at several evil cases of high-level hand said to express his mind.
Come here to discuss how to develop evil extreme cases, how to help Ye Guchen ascend to practice, and let him practice several evil extreme cases patriarchs and heads. After Ye Guchen came here to say this, he stood there one by one. You see me, I don’t think you care. Ye Guchen will suddenly say such a thing.
"What’s the matter? Little friends can’t live comfortably on this cold day? Or are those girls not serving well? " The cold reality is a little nervous and asks if the real problem lies in those girls, even if they love them again, they should look good and be able to serve the people in front of them when they get back. That’s because they have been blessed for generations. How dare they make this unhappy? It’s a death wish! When the time comes, it’s no wonder that you, as an elder, don’t show mercy.
The remaining few people will also turn their heads and look at Ye Guchen. If these things are really bad for hospitality, they can’t really explain it, not to mention the ancestors. That is, those sect elders in the back hill can rush out and eat them alive.
"No, I don’t think that if I stay in this evil cult, it will be of little help to my practice. Birds in cages will never become flying. Pengbirds and domestic tigers will never laugh at the mountains. I already knew this when I was in Fengyun Mainland. I can go from a small fighter to a broken point in martial arts. Every progress is realized from blood and fire. These days are too comfortable. I am not used to fixing the truth. The boundaries are broad. I want to go out and read thousands of books. It is better to do it. I want to go out for a walk and have a good experience. This fix true boundary is good for me in the future. I should know the knowledge. I already know it. I want to stay here again, and it’s boring. So I want to go out for a walk and hope you will answer. "Ye Guchen’s quiet smile is quite calm and shy, but there is a taste of not refusing in this sentence. Obviously, he has made up his mind.
Ye Guchen’s words were exchanged for silence. Everyone remained silent for a long time without saying much. They all said that the caged birds could never fly alone. It is not a good thing for Ye Guchen to stay in this evil Sect for a long time.