"Hurry and call 12 ambulances, or I’m afraid I’ll lose my leg." Ouch, ouch, a ghost told me that the injury was the most severe among the four people. Where did he consider the overall situation?

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"Frog, you beat him to death" is related to Daniel, so Xiaohei thinks that he can’t beat him at 12, but he can still send people to the hospital.
"Daniel, don’t help me, you don’t fucking touch my brother." I grabbed the little black arm and put it on my shoulder, but Daniel gave the other party a merciless push when he touched it.
"I, I told you to hit 12" roared into a factory building and everyone trembled. Daniel knew that the roots of Little Black’s rough hands and feet didn’t believe him.
"If you move this casually, I may not be able to save my leg. It’s all hopeless for you."
"Daniel, what can I say after your grandfather asked me to call 12 times? People ask me where the ambulance can go."
"Shut up! Do you want to shout all the people nearby?" Daniel argued with Xiaohei and sat idly by. The big brother in a hat finally broke out.
Yan Xi, who will be struggling, will let him go. What he has to solve now is a problem.
"Big Brother, I" was very wronged. Daniel thought it was understandable that he would do this.
"The backcountry here can’t even look down on wild dogs. Big brother, don’t you worry about who is not human?" The mouth doesn’t shrug. His big brother’s words are a little uncomfortable. Little black will shift his mood to Yi Shaoqian.
Kick a man on the shoulder.
This time
The man who has been standing still finally fell to the ground sideways.
"You don’t know shit. I call it careful sailing for ten thousand years." Being the eldest brother doesn’t like the younger brother questioning his meaning. He took off his hat and threw it at the little black. He dragged his face and scolded.
"Daniel, your leg will be treated in the hospital after we leave S city." When counting, I expect Cai Xinyan to come quickly because he can only be practical when he sees pink bills.
"If you are still unhappy in your heart, then I will waste this little right leg for you." The little mouse’s eyes burst out with biting light, and he picked up the golf club belonging to Yi Shaoqian before he stepped forward.
Smell speech little face suddenly lost color. In panic, Yanxi’s body reaction was higher than his brain consciousness and jumped in front of the kidnapper’s eldest brother.
Can’t let him waste Yi Shaoqian’s right leg.
Although Yi Shaoqian really hates not doing anything good every time he meets him, but
Anyway, he was involved because of himself.
Yi Shaoqian can catch up here and has a mind to save himself.
On the matter, Yan Xi is grateful.
Who will take the rag out of her mouth? She wants to talk.
"Why don’t you want to save him?" Just pushed Yanxi and jumped and stopped. The kidnapper’s eldest brother couldn’t help yy. What exactly is she and Yi Shaoqian?
"Mm-hmm" hates such a single syllable. Yanxi is tied together and her hands are pointing at her mouth, which means she has something to say.
You should figure out Yi Shaoqian’s identity before you do it.
Is he someone you can afford to waste?
"You’re a good girl, eating old meat in a bowl and dominating new meat in a pot." The kidnapper’s eldest brother made no secret of his lewdness.
"Anyway, you’re rotten, so why don’t you play with me?" Put out your hand and touch Yanxi’s face even though it’s pale.
"You dare to lay a finger on her and wait to be chopped to pieces." Even so, Yi Shaoqian’s share of natural rage is not reduced.
His life is really hard. If ordinary people were beaten like this, they would not be able to speak even if they were awake.
In the eyes of condensed peach blossoms, a light that is kept secret passes by Yanxi quickly, and it will stop in front of the big brother with a hat. Trying to protect yourself really surprises Yi Shaoqian.
Shouldn’t all women be scared silly when they encounter this situation?
what’s more
Didn’t Yanxi always despise himself?
"Smelly little who are you scaring?" Out of control, I shivered slightly. The eldest brother in a hat wanted to get his hands on Yanxi, but the woman who jumped back immediately pulled a dangerous distance.
"When you are always scared.
"Die incredibly dare to threaten our eldest brother" properly shows the younger brother dog leg style. Little black led the frog to Yi Shaoqian and punched and kicked again.
"The little black picked up the thing and ruined this little right leg to avenge Daniel." His hands were wrapped around his chest and he took his anger on Yi Shaoqian. Eldest brother in a hat also forgot to harass Yanxi.
"Uh-huh" I was sweating all over trying to liberate my hands from the hemp rope, but Yanxi was worn out by my wrist and delicate skin.
"Okay," the branch of physical violence is manifested in the ultimate attack on Yi Shaoqian, who is almost in a state of shock.
This is by no means all the noise when things fall to the ground.
His grandmother, this is a gun.
"Don’t move, put your weapons in your hands." The factory gate was hit again, but this time it poured in, but it was dressed in a blue-black swat.
"The hostage can be in our hands, and you are not allowed to come near me again, otherwise I will." A silver bullet shot into the kidnapper’s eldest brother’s chest with all the anger of destruction, but the position on the right is still less than his life.
"Weeks less you you you this" their guns in haven’t react situation was robbed by the side of a man swat team captain want to stop only to find Zhou Zichen already agile out of a gun.
My god.
How can the Zhou’s regiment gentleman’s marksmanship be so accurate
It’s like being professionally and systematically trained.
"outflank them" vice captain looked at immediately fill in place of the captain to carry out his command.
"Zhou Shao, although they kidnapped your wife, but you are an ordinary citizen, you can’t just shoot." The captain of the swat team with a heroic square face thought it would be difficult.
"Do I have a gun?" The noble man calmly glanced at each other.
It’s not your gun. Is it him?
"Jiang team just that shot is not you?" Leave a rhetorical question that didn’t give people a choking death. Zhou Zichen floated in the middle of the week and ran to Yanxi like an arrow that left the string.
What do you really want? This week’s gentleman really dares to buckle his hat.