It is the default of everyone to say that the status of the first two sisters is established, so it is the true meaning to establish the status of the two sisters with Ye Destiny.

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Looking at the excitement of the two sisters, Ye Tian couldn’t help shaking his head and smiled and continued. In addition, I announce that you boys and precious sisters will all enter the mercenary group I am about to create and become the first batch of mercenaries of Pizza Hut mercenary group.
Wow, people screamed when they heard Ye Tian’s words. This is so exciting. Come on, everyone is not qualified to join the mercenary group. The mercenary dream does not belong to them, but now the dream has come true.
Looking at people’s horrified expression, Ye Tian turned to look at the other girls and continued, you are all carefully chosen by me to have high IQ children in you, and I have great expectations.
Hearing Ye Tian’s words, the only girl who was not arranged suddenly lit up her eyes, and even the other boys met their dreams of seeking good things. Of course, they were very eager.
Looking at a girl with a full face of expectation, Ye Tian couldn’t help sighing. Although their qualifications are really not so good, it is difficult to get beauty in budo and they are very mediocre, but the emperor is fair and gives them superhuman wisdom while taking their looks and qualifications.
It is also 40 questions. Ye Tian answered one wrong question, and the baby sisters answered two wrong questions, while the remaining girls answered four wrong questions. According to this result, the IQ of these girls has been genius.
Thinking about Ye Tian, I continued, you are my training tube. Now you are everything in the store. In the near future, we will set up a Dalian store in Europe and Belik, and you are the Dalian store manager.
What? When I heard Ye Tian’s words, a girl got up in horror. This is unbelievable. It’s not a dream for such a big store to give them a hand.
Looking at a girl with a horror expression, Ye Tian smiled and said, our first store is temporary. After a month at most, our real flagship store will be open. I can guarantee that the scale of Dalian lock store will be ten times that of the present store.
More than a dozen guests are not going to eat for free. Everyone has paid amethyst coins stubbornly, but it is impossible for Ye Tian to talk about it. These are all worthy of the name. This money is absolutely impossible.
It’s good to owe money, but it’s hard to pay it back when you owe someone. Although it’s two cheap PISA, it’s also a small feeling. Once you owe Ye Tianqing something, it’s hard for them to stand by and watch.
See Ye Tian repeatedly refused to a few guys are very satisfied with money or not, but it feels good. The more Ye Tian doesn’t want money, the more they feel their status.
However, Ye Tianfu soon paid off. More than a dozen guys met before leaving and told everyone at the door that the food here is very delicious, which is the first in the world. They already love the delicious food here.
Although there is not a threatening word in it, everyone knows that it is a warning to them not to make trouble here, otherwise people will be unlucky if they don’t have such delicious food afterwards.
With the first batch of more than a dozen guests leaving their jobs, a large number of guests flocked in, and it was in short supply that PISA was taken away as soon as it was taken away.
Although PISA takes five to seven minutes to prepare, and there are now two large ovens in the store, each with ten floors, and two ovens can be baked every five minutes, a total of five PISA, but even this is still not urgent.
Being a mercenary is full of sweat and a lot of physical exertion. You need to supplement a lot of food. PISA, who has a big appetite, can also eat two.
Usually, many people first buy a small PISA, and after eating it, their eyes go crazy, and then rush back to the counter to order a large one. For these people who know how to eat barbecue steak every day, this PISA is delicious and can be described accurately in every word.
The most important thing is that the price of this PISA is really low. The most common mercenary earns 3 yuan a month. Although he can’t eat PISA suddenly, he is absolutely relaxed and happy when he eats it ten times a month. In their opinion, one or two gold coins for such delicious food are really too cheap, which is tantamount to giving it away for nothing. One gold for such delicious food is not expensive.
Listening to the shouts of the guests, Ye Tian smiled mysteriously. It is true that even selling one gold is in short supply, but it is not suitable for promotion.
With the development, more and more branches will rise one after another. If the price is too high, it will be unfavorable to expand. It means that small profits but quick turnover will really make this industry bigger and stronger when the most ordinary people can afford it.
The noisy day finally passed, and then it was counted. Looking at a box full of gold coins, the children all froze and lived so much. When have they ever seen so much money? Even in the most luxurious dreams, they have never seen so much money.
After counting, at noon and night, a total of thousands of PISA were sold and more than 15 gold coins were obtained. One day, Ye Tianshi’s amethyst coins were paid back and she earned nearly five amethyst coins.
For these children, although the money is not theirs, they are the property of Ye Tian, and Ye Tian is their point. They are like those diehard slaves in ancient China. The richer their masters are, the more happy they are, the more loyal they are. That sense of pride is more valuable than anything else.
I was quite satisfied with this entry into Yetian, and I didn’t ask him to calculate the production capacity of the store. If PISA wants to expand its business, the store is really short of staff now. Once the quality is degraded, it is very unfavorable for Pizza Hut’s image. Yetian never does anything to kill the goose that lays the golden egg.
At present, the store has prepared three ingredients for one month: one is flour cake ingredient, the other is sauce ingredient, and the third is cheese fermentation ingredient. If you don’t reveal the secret recipe tomorrow, no one else can study it even if you study it for 10 thousand years.
Since Ye Tian is in charge of the three secret recipes, I don’t intend to pay too much attention to the things in the store. After closing the store door, Ye Tian will bring the children together. Now it is time to say one thing.
Children were sitting at the restaurant table Bao Er belle is an exception, two people a left a right standing behind Ye Tian a face of proud expression.
Although everyone is also a slum child, although Ye Tian has not made a division, everyone knows that Bao Er Belle is definitely in the position of the other 16 children
Baby sisters are Ye Tian handmaids, while others are Ye Tian slaves. The status of the master’s personal maid baby sisters is much higher than that of slaves. It is no wonder that the two sisters will be proud. After all, the most important thing in this world is status.
After a short silence, Ye Tianshen said, "Let’s get everyone together today. I have an announcement to make. From now on, Bao Er will be in charge of the reception in the front store. He is the lobby manager in the store who is also responsible for the money management in addition to external contacts."
Speaking of which, Ye Tian paused a little, and then went on to the backyard kitchen. Belle was in charge of all production scheduling, and you were in charge of purchasing materials, and you were also required to arrange people to carry out it.
Hearing the excitement of Ye Destiny’s Baby Sisters, they should come first. In their view, all this is often the case. Since they are personal maids, they are the most trusted people of their masters. Who should they give such an important job to?
It is the default of everyone to say that the status of the first two sisters is established, so it is the true meaning to establish the status of the two sisters with Ye Destiny.
Looking at the excitement of the two sisters, Ye Tian couldn’t help shaking his head and smiled and continued. In addition, I announce that you boys and precious sisters will all enter the mercenary group I am about to create and become the first batch of mercenaries of Pizza Hut mercenary group.
Wow, people screamed when they heard Ye Tian’s words. This is so exciting. Come on, everyone is not qualified to join the mercenary group. The mercenary dream does not belong to them, but now the dream has come true.